Where can I find my photo?

At the AWC we had a dedicated team of photographers who were there to capture the vibe of the opening and closing ceremony, your well deserved ring of honors and many of those wonderful moments of you and your dog on the green carpet, showing true love and understanding.   Below you can find a list and some links to their websites, facebook pages or Instagrams to make your search a little bit easier.

List of Photographers Publishing on
Atsushi Matsuoka Coming Soon
Beat Habermacher Website
Eduardo Gonzalez de la Peña Instagram / Website
Jens Ole Nielsen Website
Jukka Pätynen Website
Justine Beytrison Facebook / Instagram
Kerttu Väyrynen Instagram
Laetitia Delval FB Agility Belgium / Website
Marc Gaub Website
Milla Stöhr Instagram
List of Photographers Publishing on
Õnnemari Sule Facebook
Robin & Marc Boeykens Link Coming Soon
Roman Nemesszeghy Website
Rudi Troonbeeckx Link
Simon & Lorna Peachey Website
Sourbron Gunther FB Agility Belgium
vanden Berghe Frieda Link Coming Soon
Yasuhiro Ohori Facebook